My summer plans.....


This summer I'm going over to minister to teens, through an organization called Military Community Youth Ministries (MCYM). I will be able to tell these teens of Jesus Christ’s love and the stability He can bring into their lives in the midst of the instability that we often see in this world. We will be going to summer camp, having small groups and just hanging out- I heard we do a lot of Frisbee golf :-) I better start practicing some more after church on Sundays so I don't utterly humiliate myself....

I will be in Europe from approximately June 7-August 14. I've been assigned to RAF Alconbury which is in Cambridge shire, England about 60 miles north of London. The Lord is so kind! He knows my love of everything English. I've had dreams about just moving to London- even the dreary weather wouldn't get me down, because, hello- its London! Plus the accents would just always put a smile on my face :)

I'm also going to be with my friends, Jim and Shannon Pitzer who are the MCYM Community directors on that base. I was a Young Life leader with them when I lived in Arlington, TX way back in 2000-2002. I haven't actually seen them in quite a few years but it will be awesome to do ministry with them again- their passion for the Lord and love for kids really spurs me on to reach out and do the same!! I secretly always wanted to be like them "when I grew up and got married" because they served together and ministry was just their way of life. I know they have touched so many lives and I feel blessed to be able to go over and work along side them this summer.

I am excited about this opportunity that the Lord has brought my way. I've never really done a mission trip before and feel so inadequate at times. Please pray for me as I to go reach this group of teens with the message of Christ!!!

Ways to pray:

  • That I will be able to quickly build relationships with the kids on base.
  • That the Lord will use me and help me to be bold in sharing the gospel.
  • That these teenagers will fall in love with Christ and accept Him as their personal savior
  • For safe travels- personal and when we are traveling with the kids to camp
  • For finances for the summer

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  1. Wow Stacie! What a cool opportunity. I must admit I'm a bit jealous :)
