
Spring Break with the Family


I just realized that I wrote this post and never posted it way back in March.  Whoops!  But I had some cute pics that I really wanted to post so better late than never I guess :)

I can't believe it's been two years almost since I've been back to Virginia.  Time just flies so quickly.  I guess every time I thought about going out there, my mom ended up coming out to Texas to visit.  But it was too long to go without seeing everyone else!  I'm sad I didn't get up to Fairfax to see everyone but I guess it's too much to do in one trip.

I got to hang out with Meg a lot on this trip which was so fun!  Before she was in college so she was always busy with class or field hockey.  Now that she has a job, we had more time to spend together!  We went out on St. Patrick's Day, hung out out her place, drinking wine and trying to play Friends Trivia (we both thought we'd win but both of us actually did horrible!)

I also got to hang out with Tyler a lot on this trip.  He was nice (aka forced) to let me take tons of pictures of him.  He's so photogenic!  I adore that last picture- his eyes just jump out at you.  We did play a lot of Wii bowling- he kicked my butt.  He did make me be 'Tony Romo' as my character just so his 'Clinton Portis' could beat me.  This boy is a football nut- he knows literally every quarterback, team and their number.

How could you not just cuddle this!!

I spent a lot of time with Mom too- unfortunately didn't get any pics of her- just her crazy room that we worked all week on.  I love to organize so we set about the task of cleaning up her scrap booking mess.  Here is the before pic:

This one is about half way through

I'm still waiting on "after" pictures from my mom since we didn't quite get finished while I was there.  If I get one- I'll update this post.  

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