
Dallas Museum of Art


I took off early on Friday to go see the King Tut exhibit at the museum in Dallas.  We couldn't take any pictures in that actual exhibit but we were able to in the rest of the museum.  There were a lot of cool pieces.

What do I love the most, but the glass discs in the restaurant.  Leave it to me to be enamored with random things instead of the "real" art in the museum :)

I got to Dallas a little early before meeting up with Laura Beth.  I went into this chapel near the museum to read and pray for a bit.  I haven't been into a Catholic church in a while and was struck by the beauty of all the architecture, stained glass and statues (most of the places I've attended for church in the last 8 years have been schools which aren't exactly known for their looks).  It kind of looks like something you'd see in Europe.  I ended up being there for the noon service and was amazed by the things I remembered.  I guess all those years as a child just stick with you.  When I first got saved, I was so anti-ritual and tradition because I never had any feelings or thoughts behind all the words I was saying and I judged others in that same light.  God kindly reminded me that He is everywhere and can be worshipped in any situation or place! So in the midst of the repetition and kneeling, I praised God for His goodness and faithfulness in my life.  It was an expected little oasis to end my week.  

I was also very close to some geocaches and almost found one but got sidetracked by a Starbucks.  Oh, well, maybe next time...

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  1. I liked this post, Stacie!
    I was at the museum the day before. I do NOT appreciate art as well as you. Good job!

  2. I didn't realize there was a chapel so close to the art museum. What a great idea!
