
day to day life


It's been a pretty busy and full week. School started on Monday and it seems to be going good so far. I spent most of the week organizing, reading, planning, and doing online staff development stuff. I haven't met all my kids yet because I won't be pulling kids out for resource classes until Oct. I did meet with 2 other Gifted teachers on Friday which was a huge help. I was able to get my driver's license this week as well- the test was pretty hard but I'm glad I passed it the first time. I was going to try and rent a car since mine doesn't get here until mid Oct but it was almost 800 euros. Crazy!! I also got my iphone set back up which made me happy :) People have been great about inviting me out to dinner- I think I've tried Greek, Thai and Mexican places so far.

It's started to get chilly and unfortunately I don't have a ton of my fall stuff yet. I only have work dressy sandals and tennis shoes. I'm supposed to be getting my clothes the beginning of Oct. but I'm praying for earlier.

I'm starting to do some house hunting today. None of the places I'm looking at are exactly in the town I'm wanting but maybe it'll at least give me an idea of what places are like.

Well that's all for now- nothing too exciting to report. I guess this is why I never blog about my day to day life- it's way too boring!

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  1. I loved your every day update! Keep them coming. Hugs-aj
