
Lots going on!


Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. There hasn't been much to tell lately- just living in a hotel, walking to and from work, and paperwork galore.

Last week I went to a work conference in Frankfurt. It was a great meeting- I got to meet other gifted teachers in Europe and collaborate a bit. I'll post pics from Frankfurt later.

The fun news of this week is that I got a rental car on Saturday: My little tiny Smart Car :)
My car should hopefully be here in a few weeks but it's been so great to have this rental even if it was a bit expensive. I went a month with no car and it's so nice to just be able to quickly get somewhere and not having to rely upon other people's schedules.

Another reason why I needed a car is because I moved out of the hotel and into my house! I got a cute 3 bedroom apartment about 15 minutes from work. The place is pretty new and the last tenants were soldiers who were deployed a lot so it actually hasn't been lived in much. All the rooms have wood floors and slanted wood beam ceilings with "Ikea-ish" kind of lights.

Here is part of my kitchen:
See that tiny little refrigerator? It's built in to the cabinetry and that is all most Germans use. It doesn't have a freezer so I guess most just buy a separate piece. I think a lot of Germans just go to the market every few days as well- no Costcos over here :)

Here is my living room:
I love all of the light and the openness of the space. Now on to decorating- my favorite part!

It's really hard to move into a new place but not have your household goods yet- I'm so tempted just to go out and buy things but I know my stuff should be here soon (and by soon I mean early-mid November) so I'm trying to hold out as long as possible. Luckily the Army lets you borrow kitchen stuff and some furniture so I do have a couch, bed and dresser for a while. German houses don't have closets which is a little crazy to me- I will have lots of clothes to figure out what to do with! Most people get wardrobes (called shrunks over here) but they do take up a lot of room. I'm hoping some of my things from my early shipment will be coming soon- the weather is starting to get colder and I don't have many warm clothes. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy when I go to work in capris and sandals. I'm freezing half of the time but it's all I have!

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  1. Yay! I love your apartment and your car! I have always wanted to drive a smart it fun and zippy?
