
May day


I love being in another culture and learning about the holidays that are celebrated.  
On 1st May 2010, people in Germany celebrate Labor Day or May Day.
One of the traditions is putting up Maypoles which are tall skinny trees that are decorated with wreaths, ribbons and crafts symbols. 20-30 men have to help put up the poles with long sticks and a lot of arm muscles. As soon as the Maypoles are up and standing, the fests start (they really use any excuse to drink!)

The night before is known as Witches night or mischief night where pranks are pulled.  Since the May pole is also an object of prestige for a town, it must be guarded around the clock during witches night to prevent against theft or destruction by neighboring village youth.
The "witches," known to be the youngsters in town, make things disappear from one spot and show up somewhere else. In the past, witches have picked up patio furniture at one person's house and moved it into the next-door neighbor's front yard or on the roof.  It all just sounds like crazy fraternity pranks to me!
I love it!  Before I moved here I thought people just wore the lederhosen and dirndls (traditional German outfits) for costumes but they actually wear them for all the different fests! You can even buy them at H&M :)   I will have a one by Oktoberfest so I can join in the fun!
The pole is usually painted in the Bavarian colours of white and blue and decorated with emblems depicting local crafts and industry.  

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