Here is a short video showing pictures of the history of Grafenwoehr- it's pretty cool to see how it has changed in the last 100 years. It was a German army base through World War II when it was captured by the Americans. Elvis Presley was even here for training during the war!
Click this link to watch the video (I couldn't figure out how to embed it):
Video of Grafenwoehr
I'm slowly getting used to driving past a shooting range where machine guns are blasting (I did almost drive off the road the first time it happened though) and tanks bombing throughout the day. Even though we are out in the middle of the country, I'm glad that the post is growing and lots of upgrades/renovations are going on. Our PX is about as big as Walmart, which is a lot more than most places can say. The post is actually really big- I think I heard there were at least 10,000 soldiers and 30,000 with families, etc. living here. Now that's a lot of people to share one Walmart and two grocery stores with!
Another perk of living on a military base: