
My new normals


Well I'm feeling pretty adjusted into life in Germany now.  My house is pretty set up, I've found a great church, I'm enjoying work and actually love living here!  It's funny how moving can change up those everyday things that you are used to.  Here are some of my new normals:

1.  Driving behind at least 10-15 tractors or tanks on a daily basis
2.  Walking outside to the stench of manure - ah the joys of living in the country-Germans love that stuff
3.  Being completely thrilled to see the sunshine as it hasn't happened very often since Oct.
4.  Waking up to church bells ringing (I love the small town churches!)
5.  Seeing soldiers, soldiers, soldiers everywhere I go- I love seeing a guy in uniform until I realize they were born in the 90's
6.  Hopping on a train to travel
7.  Trying to get all my shopping done before six pm on a weekday or just on Sat. (German stores never seem to be open) or doing most of my shopping online because I can never find what I'm looking for in stores
8.  Quizzical looks when I try to speak German or try to understand what people are saying to me in German- I'm getting better than I was before I came (I didn't know anything, so something is better than nothing, right )
9. Hanging out with people (and teaching kids) who have really traveled the world and love being in other cultures- I feel like I've finally found "my people"- people who get my wanderlust! I said I was going to Rome for spring break and almost everyone at school has given me suggestions for what to see- I've borrowed at least 10 different travel books from people!
10.  Proudly recognizing the hundreds of military acronyms that are used daily
11.  Meeting people that I'd like to get to know more just to find out they are moving in a few months-It's been really hard to make friends who will get really deep with you- military moves all the time and I think some people just keep it at the acquaintance level.  Moving often is just a fact of life around here.
12. Hearing gunshots or tank blasts on a daily basis.  At work every time the tanks blast, my smartboard shakes and I have to reset it.  I used to jump every time I heard it but now it's just background noise.
13. Working in a military community with lots of soldiers downrange.  Even though I grew up in a military family, war has never been as close to me as it is now.  We have huge battalions going away and you can really feel a difference on post when all those soldiers are gone.  It has such an effect on the kids I'm teaching too.  I love the military and I'm very proud to be working and serving along side these soldiers and families who are sacrificing so much for our freedom.

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  1. Wow, that sounds amazing and quite an adjustment. I love to hear your heart in serving "your people." Miss you girlie!
