My life list
Every man dies, but not every man truly lives
-William Ross Wallace-
I just noticed that you could add tabs or pages to the blog so I decided to put my Life List- ways I want to live my life- things I want to do before I die- to the top. I look back at it every once in a while and always have to dig through word documents to find it so I figured this was an easy way for me to find it :)
So much of my list has to do with traveling and seeing new and exciting parts of the world- I feel like it's just so part of who I am- that wanderlust that drives me to experience this beautiful world and the beautiful people and cultures that God created. Some things are just fun, hobby related and some are things I deeply desire like getting married and having/adopting children. Some are things I can accomplish in one setting, some will take a lifetime to do.
I hadn't really looked at it since I had moved here but today I was able to check 2 more things off my list- living in a foreign country and driving on the autobahn #28 and 57. It feels very good to be able to check things off (my anal organized personality shining through)- especially looking over the list and seeing things I know I will be checking off within the next few months as well- so exciting!
crazy road signs in Germany