Okay I've got some awesome news to share! All of this has happened since last Friday and it's been a whirlwind of a week.
About 7 years ago I applied to teach with the Dept of Defense schools (DoDDS) and just never heard from anyone. I was so bummed because I really wanted to live overseas at the time and since I grew up around military I figured it would be an easy way to live in Europe. It is extremely difficult to get a job with DoDDS and usually you are placed in Asia for the first few years if you even do get a job. They pay really well, have great benefits, a lot of teachers stay in their jobs forever and there is spousal preference that trumps any civilian coming in. I have always kept my application up to date but never really pursued it by sending my resume out to principals, etc. due to working on my masters, etc. and just not feeling like the Lord was leading me to really pursue anything. All summer I kept thinking, I should send out my resumes to principals just in case while I'm here but never did.
Last Friday, I got an email from the Bavaria District Superintendent for DoDDS saying there was a gifted and talented position open at the base I'm on right now in Germany!!! The job is pretty much exactly like the one I currently have in Frisco (which is a support/ pull out teacher for Gifted and Talented). There is actually a GT position at another base about an hour from here as well so I'd be interviewing for both of them. I have not sent out any resumes and the superintendent didn't even know I was over here for the summer. I was completely, completely stunned by the email. After 7 years with my application in the system, I finally get an email for the exact job I would want on the base I've been at all summer (but wasn't supposed to be). I literally cried for half of the day on Friday, just amazed by God and his faithfulness and kindness. This is exactly what I've always wanted career wise and especially for it to be in a place that I'm now comfortable with and have friends is just awesome. I love the ministry with MCYM I've gotten to do throughout the summer and I'd be able to continue to build relationships with the high school girls and volunteer with them. It's just completely amazing- I could not have planned this if I tried!
It is for this upcoming school year though which makes it a little crazy because that is like in three weeks! I had a phone interview with the superintendent on Tuesday and he said he would let me know by the end of the week if I get offered the job. I feel very at peace with whatever decision is made. I know if I go back to Texas, I have a job I love in Frisco, great friends and family nearby. If I get the job here, I will be so excited too, ready to start an adventure living overseas in Germany. God has just made himself so real to me in the last few weeks and I just want to be in His will for my life no matter what that is.