
Welcome/Goodbye MCYM


It's been a while since I've posted- there has been so much going on the past week that I'll fill you in on later.

We went on a staff retreat for MCYM about a week ago. It was a nice, relaxing time and I had a lot of time to pray, read and reflect. The conference is called Welcome/Goodbye because they were saying goodbye to some people who were leaving staff and welcoming new people to staff. Part of the goodbyes were to encourage people in the way their ministry has effected others and even though I didn't know most of the people there, it was great to see how God is moving. The whole time was so uplifting and I left feeling so refreshed.

We stayed at a retreat center in Wildberg, called Haus Saron. MCYM kind of had the whole place to ourselves and everyone brought their families. It was great to see all the little kids running around and see all these families that God has called over here to be part of this ministry.

We walked into Wildberg a few times. It's a cute little town.

One of my favorite parts of the week was a cookout we had one night. We made this stuff called stick bread by putting dough and cooking it over a fire. I filled mine with Nutella and it was oh so good :)
Another day a group of girls and I drove into a little town called Calw. It was so beautiful and picturesque. We did a little shopping and then stopped to get a cappuccino.

Megan and Elizabeth who are both on MCYM staff.

I got to know a lot of people on staff this week pretty well. I was able to ask them a lot of questions about living overseas and on a military base. While there seem to be challenges (like finding good community through the chapel on base) there were also so many awesome things about the job and living in Europe. I have wanted to live in Europe for so long and it's been kind of nice to see that it is actually doable especially living/working on an American military base.

This week was exactly what I needed!

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